We currently grow two main cereal crops. These are spring barley and winter wheat. These are grown on our own two farms with the remainder of the cereal crop grown on our three rented farms.
Winter wheat is sown in September/October grown through the winter, harvested in September, with the crop then being sold for chicken feed. Wheat is ideal crop for us as it is a break crop. Vegetables take the good of the ground so wheat is able to grow well after potatoes and carrots have been lifted.
Spring barley is sown in April, harvested in the month of September, and then sold for malting barley.
This is all marketed and sold to scot grain agriculture limited.
Although the grain is vital in our lands rotation, our principle need is the straw. The need to cover over 280 acres of carrots during the winter months means we require over 11,000 Heston bales.
Our cereal crops fail to produce the total straw required for our carrot operations therefore we buy straw from farms all over the North-East to supplement our demand.
For every acre of carrots to be sufficiently protected from the harsh winters requires 40 Heston bales to be used. We believe wheat straw is ideal for the best coverage and incorporation.